Summary: Organizations are facing a multitude of challenges during this pandemic, including how to recruit and retain new talent, and effectively managing that talent remotely. HR departments must implement policies and strategies to address employee engagement and productivity, and to coach managers on how to approach these challenges effectively. With the right strategies, HR professionals have an opportunity to assert an approach that develops a better understanding of HR’s value to the organization and how it impacts customers, influences choices, … Continue reading “Aligning HR Strategy with Organization Goals during COVID-19”
How to Optimize Internal Company Communications
Posted on January 8, 2021July 13, 2021Categories Business Operations, Human ResourcesBy George Wentworth One of the biggest challenges for companies is the lack of direct and proper communications between departments, such as HR and finance. This hinders the ability of a business to function optimally. In order to optimize your company’s inter-department communications, you must have your operations team speak multiple languages and work as a universal translator of sorts, in order to increase efficiency between multiple team collaboration and ensure higher compliance across the company. First we should understand … Continue reading “How to Optimize Internal Company Communications”
10 Best Business Operations Practices for Startups
Posted on January 6, 2021January 12, 2021Categories Business Operations, Start-UpsBy George Wentworth Starting a business and hiring your first few employees can seem daunting. Without having a solid foundation, your efforts at managing finances, human resources, marketing, office locations, clients and stakeholders, can quickly become overwhelming. This may compromise a business’ chances of success. However, following these proven strategies that ensure smooth operations’ practices will position your company for success. 1. Define Who You Are Have a clear, well-construed message to your growing team, your current and potential clients … Continue reading “10 Best Business Operations Practices for Startups”